Sarah’s Story

Winchester Mystery House

Sarah’s Story

Take a tour of Sarah Winchester’s beautiful but bizarre mansion.

For nearly 100 years, visitors have flocked to the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA to see this unusual 160-room Victorian mansion. There are many mysteries to experience in the house itself, but most captivating is the story of the mansion’s reclusive owner Sarah Winchester, who died in 1922.

West Office designed and executed an intro show to reveal Sarah’s story and to provide context for the 65-minute tour. The show takes advantage of the estate’s collection of antique Tiffany stained glass by rear-projecting a texture-mapped video onto antique windows displayed in the room.

Later in the tour, audio activations with rich sound effects were added to enliven the Séance Room and Daisy Bedroom. West Office worked closely with the WMH’s tour staff to integrate this media seamlessly into the tour script.